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We Transform
Young Men Into Legacy Builders.


Who We  Serve

iCan Mentoring serves at-risk young males ages 7-18 years of age with the intent to inspire them with tools inspite of their impoverished environment.


Our Why: The Mission

Our mission is to help young men grow and develop in their social, academic, and personal skills. iCan Mentoring desires that these young men become leaders in their classrooms, communities, and our world through consistent support.  We believe that if we foster principles that inspire, encourage and impact despite challenges associated with absent or uninvolved fathers, poverty, and inequities. We can shift negative attitudes and stereotypes as we provide mentorship in life skills, educational opportunities, early career coaching to establish a foundation of self-worth in their pursuit of seeking to achieve their individual personal goals and dreams. 

Turning Stereotypes Into
Success, Beyond Imagination.

iCan Mentoring

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